Life in Hong Kong exhausting.
People (blue and white collar alike) work like dogs with long days that quickly warp into nights. I myself am on a few week kick of working six days, most of which are ten hours each, alongside entertaining guests whom have found themselves wandering in and out of Chez Suz for various reasons. The fullness my heart feels is beautiful. The bags my eyes are playing host to, are not. It wouldn't be my place to utter a complaint about this whimsical lifestyle, I am certainly not a pioneer when I say life in Hong Kong embodies working hard and playing harder. It's just the way the fortune cookie crumbles here.
As HK's working population goes from bed, to bus, to desk, to bar with few interruptions, it should be no surprise that any attempt of having a well balanced work/social/home life means the sacrifice of one thing we so irritatingly need: sleep. For many, there is the aid of coffee and adrenaline to keep ourselves functioning at an acceptable level, for others its a myriad of desperate attempts at catching a few extra zzz's. The most common and public venue is more often than not the 40 minute bus/MTR ride to/from the office. It's a perfect power nap if you can manage to fall asleep and wake up all in the allotted amount of time before your stop.
I'm a bit jealous of her skills |
Luckily, I have two hours for lunch so when the Suz gets sleepy I've got a few options: I can take the risk of enduring cheeky activities from coworkers and crash in the teacher lounge, snag a spot at Starbucks or I can snag a spot by the bay and not only catch up on sleep, but work on my pale pale appearance.
Favorite napping spot ever. Especially on a breezy sunny day |
I can neither confirm not deny that this is me |
This is actually my co worker, and what I look like most of the time at this Starbucks |
SO if you ever come to Hong Kong and want to wag a finger at public napping, give us a break. It's been a hard days night, and we've all been working/partying like animals.
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