Sunday, June 16, 2013

To Fathers with Daughters

*For father's day my dad was asked to read a little something for his church in Houston.  In turn, in expert fatherly action, he asked his kids to write it for him, this is what I submitted to him*

If you are a father with a daughter in the crowd, really the only strong piece of advice I can give you is to shower your daughter with not only love, but your undivided attention.  I’m not talking about watching TV together or going to her sports games, or just being in the same room together tolerating each others’ presence.  I am talking about taking the time out of your day to turn off your cell phone, look away from sports center, and ignore everything else in the room but your daughter.  Sit down and talk to her.  Ask her questions about what she thinks, how she feels, and why she feels it.  Then verbalize how unconditionally awesome of a person she is and how nothing she could do will ever change that.

I emphasize doing this because the message that fathers send to their daughters in the early stages of their childhood (and throughout life for that matter) makes a resounding impact on the rest of their lives and who they then chose as mates of their own.  I have had the opportunity to live an incredibly adventurous life spanning a few states, and three continents.  I have observed my share of romances and friendships between the sexes blossom into incredibly beautiful entities to behold.  I have also seen them explode into firery flames that engulf the life that surrounds them.  I still have no idea just what exactly goes on in a male mind – I imagine it’s quite dark and murky - so I can’t really speak for them. There is one thing that I can tell others with certainty about girls:

A girl whose father fails to show her adequate undivided attention, dooms her to spend the rest of her life desperately searching for someone to appreciate her ‘attention deficit’.  Constantly they seem to be jumping through attention grabbing hoops and playing games with incredibly high emotional stakes. From a fly on the wall’s perspective, that looks quite exhausting and incredibly painful.  Fortunately, I stand apart from the crowd of girls who have an attention deficit and stand with those that have attention profit.  It’s much more enjoyable to be in the attention profit crowd, we tend to prefer the company of a beach cruiser and cobble stones to people that don’t think we’re unconditionally awesome.